Saturday, January 28, 2012
Fitness Exercise
You want to have a body fit and healthy?
I have a surefire way ..
Please see and read the article below
Exercise #1 - Nilsson Curls
Why Is This Exercise So Effective? - The Nilsson Curl, which cantechnically be described as a forearm-braced chin-up movement,is a unique biceps exercise. The reason: it uses your totalbodyweight for resistance!
Most biceps exercises, such as barbell and dumbell curls, requirethat you move the resistance around your body while your bodyremains anchored.
While this is certainly effective, it has been established thatexercises which require you to move your body around a fixedobject (such as occurs during a chin-up) fire many more musclefibers.
This results in a much more effective exercise for the muscle!And if that wasn't enough to make this a killer exercise, have alook at this:
The majority of biceps exercises are isolation exercises. Theywork the biceps across only one joint (the elbow). This seriouslylimits the amount of weight you can use and hence limits yourultimate biceps development.
The Nilsson Curl is a compound exercise for the biceps that usesthe lats only as secondary movers to assist your biceps duringthe exercise.
Working the biceps at two joints rather than just one (such as in this chinup movement), drastically increasing the amount ofweight you can use on a biceps exercise.
Now throw almost all of the resistance of the chin-up (your entirebodyweight) onto the biceps and you'll know the meaning of theword "pump!"
Combine these three features (moving your body around a fixedobject for more muscle activation, using a twojoint movement,and having your entire bodyweight as resistance) into a bicepsexercise and you have yourself one incredibly powerfulmovement!
How to Do It? - This exercise is best done using the safety rails ofa power rack. There are other methods of setting up that you canuse that are just as effective. I will detail these at the end of thissection.
* The absolute easiest way is to use the two, bottom safety railsof the rack. They need to be the type that you can slidecompletely out of the rack for this method to work, as you'll beplacing them on the same side of the rack uprights.
* Place one of the rails in the highest set of holes in the rack. Setthe other rail in the set of holes approximately one foot downfrom that top one in the same side uprights. Your setup will looklike two rungs in a ladder. Now you're all set!
* Grip the top bar and brace your forearm against the bottom bar(you may want to use a pad or a towel wrapped around thebottom bar for your forearms).
* Keeping your forearms pressed against the bottom barthroughout the entire exercise, curl yourself up. This is the mostimportant point to remember about this exercise, as bracing yourforearms is what sends all the tension to your biceps. It does thisby reducing the involvement of the lats.
* Also, try to keep your shoulders back in a neutral position.Don't allow them to hunch forward during the exercise. Thiskeeps them in a more stable position.
* Squeeze hard at the top. This instruction is kind of unnecessaryto be honest. You won't really have a choice at that point - thetension on your biceps is just incredible!
How to incorporate this exercise into your workouts - Thisexercise should be the first biceps exercise you do in yourworkout. It requires tremendous strength and therefore is bestdone with fresh biceps.
Common Errors:
1. Pulling Straight Up - For best results, pull yourself up in anarc. This will most strongly affect the biceps. Pulling straight upwill still work, just not quite as strongly.
2. Using Momentum - Always do this exercise deliberately andunder control to maintain maximum tension on the biceps.Moving quickly will only decrease the effectiveness of theexercise.
It is especially important not to use momentum as you come tothe bottom of the exercise as your elbows are braced against arail. You could injure your elbows if you slam down into thebottom of the rep.
3. Hunching the Shoulders Forward - Try to keep your shouldersback and in a neutral position. Do not allow them to hunchforward. This will help to maintain a more stable position for theshoulder joint.
1. Using Barbells To Set Up - If you don't have access to a rackthat uses the removable bottom safety rails you can also use two
barbells inside the rack.
- Start by setting the racking hooks in the highest holes.- Set an Olympic bar in those racks.- Load some weight onto that bar to keep it from shifting duringthe exercise (I use a couple of 45 pound plates on either side butyou may choose to use more or less weight).- Now set the safety rails in the holes about one foot below thetop bar that you've already set up.- Set another Olympic bar across there and you're done.
Note: You will be doing this exercise from inside the rack so thatyour forearms are pushing the bottom bar against the rearuprights. If you work from the other side, your forearms will havenothing to push the bottom bar against and it may roll or slideaway.
2. Weighted Nilsson Curls - This exercise can also be doneweighted with a dumbell between your feet or with weighthanging from your waist using a hip belt. The execution of theexercise is exactly the same. If you wish to do negatives with adumbell for extra weight, follow these steps:
- Set the dumbell on a bench in front of you.- Step up on the bench and get into the top position.- Grasp the dumbell between your feet then move it off thebench.- Lower yourself down.
As a bonus, using a dumbell between your feet also gives yousome really good isometric ab work.
3. Using A Reverse Grip - Doing the Nilsson Curl with a reversegrip will affect the brachialis muscle strongly. Be aware that yourelbows will have a tendency to slide out to the sides as you pullyourself up, so you should consciously force them in
Exercise #2 - Bench End Dumbell Presses
Why Is This Exercise So Effective? - The flat dumbell bench pressis an excellent exercise building up the muscles of the chest. Butdid you know that the standard, laying-down-flat body positionon the bench is not the most effective for maximal musclestimulation?
By changing how and where you set yourself on the bench, youcan dramatically increase the muscle fiber stimulation you getfrom the flat dumbell bench press.
I've also found, with the better leverage I can get on the chest inthis position, that I am actually stronger and can get more repsand use more weight.
At the same time, this position reduces the involvement of theanterior (front) deltoids in the pressing movement whileincreasing the involvement of the upper pec fibers.
The key to this exercise lies in opening up your rib cage. In thestandard flat position, your chest is not expanded. Your pectoralmuscle can fire most effectively when your shoulders are back,your lower back is arched and your chest is puffed out.
While this can be done somewhat in the regular bench position, itdoes not feel natural and can actually put stress on the lowerback. This exercise is done by placing yourself off the end of theflat bench, accomplishing the optimal position for the pectoralmuscles to fire.
How To Do It:
* The basic position of the exercise is as follows: your upper back(from just below the shoulder blades on up) will be resting on theend of the bench with your upper torso essentially flat.
* Your hips will be down below the level of the bench, and your lower back will be arched so that your lower abdomen is angleddown. Your knees should be very bent.
* You will look as though you are trying to wrap your backaround the end of the bench. Practice this position once withoutany weight to get a feel for it.
* To get into position with weights, sit on the very end of thebench with the dumbells on your upper thighs.
* Quickly move your butt forward off the bench, dropping into asquat, and allow your upper back to rest against the lead edge ofthe bench.
* Thrust your hips up and throw your upper body back onto thebench, kicking the dumbells into the bottom position of a dumbellbench press. Press up to the top position.
* If you are not completely in position with your entire lowerback off the bench (the bottom of your rib cage should be in linewith the end of the bench), weasel yourself down somewhat.
Note: "Weasel" is the technical term for shifting back and forth asyou slide yourself down the bench a little.
* Do the press from there and really try to expand the chest inthe stretch position.
* When the exercise gets hard, fight the urge to lift your hips up.Consciously force them down. This is good practice for keepingyour butt down on the regular flat bench press.
How to incorporate this exercise into your workouts: You canplace this exercise anywhere in your chest workouts. It doesn'trequire tremendous skill, balance or stability to execute properly.
Common Errors:
1. Too much of your back is on the bench - The end of the benchshould be hitting you just below the shoulder blades. If you havemuch more of your back on the bench, you will lose the openingup of the rib cage, which is the major benefit of this position.
2. Thrusting your hips up and down during the exercise -Allowing your hips to come up also negates the benefits of theopening up of the rib cage. You will flatten your torso as thoughyou are doing a regular flat bench. Keep your hips down!
3. Raising your head off the bench - Be sure to keep your headon the bench during the exercise. Raising it up and off can leadto neck strain.
1. Getting the weights into position - A good way to get heavydumbells up into position is to set them on your knees at thestart of the exercise.
After you drop into your initial squat, kick one knee up hard,throwing the dumbell up into position, then kick the otherdumbell up and into position. Be sure to practice this movementwith light weight before attempting with heavy dumbells.
2. Taking the shoulders out of it - At the start of the rep whenyou are holding the dumbells at arms-length above you, try towriggle your shoulders together underneath you.
This will reduce anterior deltoid involvement in the exercise byforcing your shoulders back. Imagine you are trying to touch yourshoulder blades together behind your back.
3. Expand your rib cage - At the bottom of every rep, take in ahuge breath and try to expand your rib cage as much as possibleto maximize the stretch on the pecs. Your body position on theend of the bench will allow you to get a greater stretch than ispossible in the regular position.
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